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Music Revision - Melody Test Paper

Chris Anderson

We have spent the last 15 blogs revising everything to do with melody. In this blog I’ll ask you lots of questions to see how much you’ve retained. The questions and answers can be downloaded as a PDF.

1. What is a tone?

2. What is a semitone?

3. What is another name for a tone?

4. What is another name for a semitone?

5. What is an enharmonic equivalent?

6. Give three examples of an enharmonic equivalent.

7. What is the formula for forming a major scale?

8. Which of the following statements are true about the major scale? Put a tick by the right answers.

The scale must always go up and then down. [ ]

Don’t ever mix sharps and flats in a major scale [ ]

A major scale has 12 notes [ ]

Every major scale is formed in the same way [ ]

You use each letter of the musical alphabet once and in order, in a one octave scale [ ]

All major scales have at least one sharp or flat [ ]

9. What is a key signature?

10. Give a phrase you can use to help you remember the order the sharps appear in a key signature.

11. Give a phrase you can use to help you remember the order the flats appear in a key signature.

12. What is a relative minor?

13. How do you find the relative minor?

14. How do you find the relative major?

15. What are the three different types of minor scale?

16. How do you form each one?




17. How many major keys are there?

18. How many minor keys are there?

19. True or false - once a sharp or flat appears in a key signature it stays?

20. Which of the following statements are true about the circle of fifths? Put a tick by the right answers.

It shows the order in which the key signatures/keys appear [ ]

Each clockwise step around the circle is a fourth [ ]

Each anticlockwise step around the circle is a fourth [ ]

The sharps appear at intervals of fifths [ ]

As you continue round the circle of fifths in a clockwise direction the flats get less [ ]

The relative minors are also a fifth apart when going clockwise [ ]

21. True or false - A mode is a variation on a scale?

22. How many modes are there?

23. Name the different modes.

24. How many notes are in a pentatonic scale?

25. How do you form a major pentatonic scale?

26. How do you form a minor pentatonic scale?

27. What is a whole tone scale?

28. What is a chromatic scale?

29. What is an interval?

30. Name the to types of interval.

31. What is an interval quality?

32. How do you work out an interval?

33. What is a compound interval?

34. What is an augmented interval?

35. What is a diminished interval?

36. What is the minimum number of notes you need to form a chord?

37. What is a triad?

38. What is a chord symbol?

39. How do you form a major triad?

40. How do you form a minor triad?

41. True or false - as a rule the chord in the harmony should include the note it’s accompanying?

42. What is an inversion?

43. What is figured bass?

44. What is a basso continuo?

45. How many inversions are available for a triad?

46. If a triad isn’t inverted what is this called?

47. Why use inversions?

48. Define the following:

Block Chords

Rhythmic Chords

Arpeggiated Chords

Broken Chords

Walking Bass


Pedal Notes

49. How does an Alberti bass traditionally go?

50. What four ways are there of decorating a melody?

51. If a melodic decoration belongs to the key it’s…..?

52. If a melodic decoration doesn’t belong to the key it’s……?

53. What is the definition of a phrase (in music!)?

54. What is a cadence?

55. What are the four types of cadence and how are they formed?

56. What is a tierce de Picardie?

57. What is modulation?

58. Name two ways you can modulate.

59. What is texture?

60. Name the four types of texture.

61. What is imitation?

62. What is canon?

63. What is looping?

64. What is layering?

65. What is antiphony?

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